For those of you interested in an album (11x14, 15 pages with 30 sides), our Classic Package and up gives you a choice between two types. We design the album to tell the story of your wedding day and once you OK the layout, we send it off to be published. There are some good album makers out there, but we can definitely vouch for our publisher as one of the best in the industry!
This album has been really popular in our meetings with clients. It's a more modern-styled album that's seamless with printing on the front and back cover.
Looks great on your coffee table.
The back cover.
The quality binding up close.
On the right, you see a more traditional-style 11x14 album with your choice of either a leather (your choice of colors) or a brushed-aluminum cover. In our Premier package and up, you receive two of the 5x7 parent albums displayed on the left, which is a mini replica of the large album.
The binding of the main and parent albums.
My philosophy is to always provide my clients with the very best, and these albums are no exception. We take great care in every step of the process: Shooting the photos, retouching, designing, communication, publishing, and finally the delivery.

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- Jimmy Cheng Albums
- Brian's Family in Downtown Fullerton
- New Portfolio Slideshows
- Dusky and Bobby at Disneyland Hotel
- San and Allan at St Regis and Laguna Beach
- Nicole's Maternity Portrait
- Kathryn and Steven in Laguna Beach
- Athletes and Aces in Newport Beach
- Michelle and Tom in Downtown San Juan Capistrano
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Jimmy Cheng Albums
Brian's Family in Downtown Fullerton
You know a shoot will be fun when it's raining and the family still wants to go for it. I'm so glad we did because it was a blast following them around Downtown Fullerton. The boys were so full of energy and luckily for me, their mom just let the boys be boys and reminded herself to just let go for this session.

While waiting for dad, the boys partook in some rain tasting.

I found out real quick that the best shots of Ezra were candids.

This was supposed to be a "band" shot, but this outtake looks more fun.

A few adorable family shots.

Ezra and Noah made sure to stomp on every puddle. The expressions are too funny!

There are so many places to go in Downtown Fullerton, so we simply walked from one place to the next.

The boys were throwing objects into the water to splash each other. This is why I shoot candids, because genuine moments like these are best captured while it's happening and not posed.

I really liked the color of this wall and the lines at the top. What a sweet design.

I didn't tell Brian why I posed them right at this spot, but I wanted to get the name of the restaurant in the background while he held Ezra like this: It reads "Heroes."

The boys are at an age where kissing is yucky, but Noah was kind enough to kiss mom for the sake of art.

This is just too adorable.

Brian and Kristy in front of their favorite restaurant.

The boys look out from the inside while Mom watches. Where's the photographer?!

Cute shot of the boys. This is a rare, still moment.

A family of actors. You can't tell, but they were only pretending that a train was coming.

A kiss.

Too many cool walls, not enough blog space to post them. This is just one of many.

Watching as the train goes by.

As I've said, there are so many great shots but I just can't post them all here. That's what happens when you follow around a family as cute and fun as Brian's.
New Portfolio Slideshows
I've been adding new Flash slideshows on my portfolio page recently and I think they're just fantastic! The reason I started doing it is because I felt the smaller photos on the blog don't do them justice. You can't see the fine details and sharpness on some of the photos. The new slideshows display the photo at a size that is almost how I intended them to be viewed. Of course there is no substitute for seeing these photos in print and in person. I always look forward to receiving a fresh batch from my print shop because it's just that much better to see the vibrant colors on a physical photo.
Here's a few that I've uploaded in the last week. I will continue to upload older sessions as I have more time.
Kathy and Steve in Laguna Beach
Dusky and Robbie at Disneyland Hotel
Nicole's Maternity Session
Lauren and Mike's Wedding in Palos Verdes
San and Allan at St. Regis Monarch Beach and Laguna Beach
Dusky and Bobby at Disneyland Hotel
Bobby is a friend of mine and doesn't like to have his photo taken. Unfortunately for him, Dusky loves my photos and wanted me to photograph their wedding. We had a great time shooting though, because they're truly a fun couple. Bobby has an uncanny ability to make people laugh and Dusky just has a way with the camera, so Disneyland Hotel was the perfect setting.
Click here for the gorgeous flash version, or continue reading below for the blog photos.
Dusky is a natural in front of the camera. She doesn't really take a bad shot.
Cute smiles in every shot.
A sweet, tender moment.
And the laughs begin again.
I waited for that moment when the sun fell on her hair to snap the shot. It's such a natural, beautiful glow.
In front of waterfalls.
I thought Dusky was joking when she said she could pick Robbie up, so imagine my surprise when she actually did!
A cute shot in the phone booth.
A snuggly moment.
By themselves, on a bench.
San and Allan at St Regis and Laguna Beach
We met up with San and Allan in south Orange County on a beautiful Saturday evening before sunset. We started at the beautiful St. Regis Monarch Beach where they had a chance to get over their shyness in front of the camera. Then we headed up to Aliso Beach Park to enjoy an amazing Laguna Beach sunset.
Click here for the gorgeous flash version, or continue reading below for the smaller photos.
I love this exquisite wall at the St. Regis Rotunda.
They have great looking natural smiles.
Kicking the legs up. Cute.
Embracing at the pretty garden outside.
Our entire shoot at the beach was during sunset.
You can tell they're now loosened up and having fun.
A nice private moment together. Just them, their footsteps and the blue waters.
This might be the reason why I will never leave Southern California.
And we end the session with a sunset silhouette kiss.